It couldn't be a more typical Sunday morning. As usual I still can't find a way to sleep past 7:15. Sheila's out cold and even Molly the Wonder Dog doesn't want to be awake and is curled up in a corner of my office. As I was trying to decide how to go off track from photography this morning, I decided to just open this great little quote book I have and write about whatever came up. Here's the first quote I randomly turned to: It takes a lot of courage to show your dreams to someone else. Erma Bombeck It couldn't be more perfect for what I've been feeling lately and whether it's totally coincidental or some sort of Sunday morning divine intervention, it's the perfect thought to share. There's something that's happened as I've gotten older - I've become more fearless at sharing things personal. I'm not afraid to share my thoughts and dreams, because I've already experienced rejection and emotional pain in my life. So, what's the worse that could happen? I've been through enough to know there is no such thing as failure, as long as I get back up. I've learned life is simply too short to deal with negativity. And, most important of all, I've learned everything always works out for the better. I was with one of my roommates from college last weekend and he said something that's stuck with me all this past week. "The older we get, the faster time is flying by." Well, that could be what my driving force is with everything I do these days. Knowing how fast time is flying by, I rarely waste it. On the business side I love my job. I love what, with help from so many of you, we keep building with SCU. At a time when most people slow down, for me that would be giving up - I'm simply not done yet. Every day I'm learning something new and I'm constantly blown away by how small the world has become thanks to social media. On the personal side, maybe that's why, while it hurts now and then, I just can't take the time to care what my dysfunctional family feels about the choices I made in my life over the last few years. Seriously, I've been separated/divorced for almost nine years and they're still passing judgement. I just don't want to waste the time and that takes me to one more quote: Life is short. Don't waste it with negative people who don't appreciate you. Keep them in your heart, but keep them out of your life. That brings me full circle this morning and back to how important it so share your dreams. A dream never shared will eventually just fade away and die.
So, on this beautiful Sunday morning share a dream with those friends and family closest to you. Go for one of those therapeutic hugs lasting eleven seconds or more with one of your dream-sharers. Make it a day filled with, as sappy as it sounds, a smile on your face and a song in your heart. (Okay, I've gone over the edge and I'll lose readers with that last line, but as nauseating an expression as it is, think about it - it really is accurate and you know when you're talking to somebody with a song in their heart.) As my good buddy Matthew Jordan Smith closes every post with, "ALWAYS dream big!" Happy Sunday everybody - make it a GREAT one!
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