By Skip Cohen As I pulled together a few images for the composite above, I couldn't help but smile after yesterday's f64 Lunch Bunch get together. The chemistry between Tony Corbell and Bobbi Lane is remarkable and a tribute to the purest definition of friendship. Then throw in our hosts yesterday with Steve Brazill, Don Komarechka, and Chamira Young, and you've got all the ingredients for great programming. Tony and I go back over thirty years to my Hasselblad days...and although Bobbi came into my life much later, the intensity of the friendship with both of them is something I cherish. Then add in friends like Steve, Don, and Chamira, and I might have had the most fun of anybody watching. It's the friendships that make this industry so remarkable! If you couldn't join us yesterday, the video is below and well worth your time to watch. Great images from Bobbi and then Tony, combined with lots of good solid insight into understanding and seeing the light make this video one off our best lunches to date. Plus, a couple of great links shared yesterday:
A BIG thanks to everyone who's been supporting these programs...and especially your feedback. We'll be back next Wednesday with another great program. Who says there's no such thing as a FREE lunch?
by Skip Cohen JOIN US ON MAY 6 AT 2:00 PM EST FOR THE NEXT f64 LUNCH BUNCH WITH SPECIAL GUESTS BOBBI LANE AND TONY CORBELL! Nobody teaches lighting better than these two. Besides being great friends, they share an incredible passion for the industry, teaching, and especially lighting! Just in case you don't know Bobbi and Tony, I pulled two older videos from both of their YouTube channels, so you get a better feel for their backgrounds and skill sets.
The f64 Lunch Bunch is all about downtime education, conversations with/for photographers and ideas to help you through the challenges of the pandemic. The only thing worse than the downtime and needing to hunker down, is not taking advantage of the free time to raise the bar on the quality of your work. Bobbi and Tony will be joining our hosts with ideas on things you can practice, so you hit the ground running by having a better understanding of lighting. We've still got too many "natural light specialists" in this industry. And we all know, while everyone loves the look and feel of natural light when somebody declares themselves a "specialist" it almost ALWAYS means they don't understand lighting! I hope you'll join us next Wednesday for a terrific program with two great guests. And to put it in perspective on how well these two work together and love the craft, when I asked Bobbi about joining us with Tony she said, "It'll be great to get the band back together!"
by Skip Cohen I don't want to start this post with a rant, but it's so hard not to react to photographers who are all doom and gloom, but unwilling to take the time to change things. This is a tough time for everyone, but there are so many opportunities for artists to expand and strengthen their skill sets. It's the hardest it's ever been to find business. So, I get it...but I'm not giving up on spreading the word on different programs going on to help you get things back in focus. Coming up this morning at 11:00 am EST Scott Kelby and his team: Yesterday I shared a link to Joe Elario's Facebook post from last week and was surprised at how few people checked it out... it's only fifty-two seconds of your time. J.P. Elario is doing online portraits, and the idea is brilliant. His Dad Joe and partner in Elario Photography wrote: "New twist on J.P.'s Pop up Portraits & they're waiting in (virtual) line both U.S. & Canada ." I don't have a link for other smart portrait projects, but the word is that "Front Porch Portraits" are gaining momentum everywhere. While not every community has modified its shelter in place policies, many are allowing people out, but requiring that social distancing be maintained. Now think about the concept. Families have been in lockdown for weeks, and a "Front Porch Portrait" is a memory of a tough time, but right in line with family values. And for me personally, it would represent a memory of a time we got through it all. On March 23 I announced the kick-off for the f64 Lunch Bunch. We had a new program every day for that week. We then went to once a week. We're skipping it this week, but on May 6 at 2:00 PM EST, we'll be talking about lighting with two of photography's most recognized educators - Bobbi Lane and Tony Corbell. I can promise you it's going to be more than just a great lunch! Click on the banner to the left to join us next week! And speaking of Bobbi Lane and Tony Corbell: And check out the Photoshop Rant with Lee Varis: And that brings me full circle to my point - there's a lot of help out there, and these are just the tip of the iceberg. There's support to help you with marketing, technique, business and it's all being taught by photographers who want to give back to an industry they love dearly. But the next move is yours! Your attitude, not your aptitude, will determine your altitude.
Zig Ziglar This Week - DIY Projects - April 22 at 2:00 PMby Skip Cohen Of all the headers I've created for this series, that's my favorite above. While obviously the most important concern is the safety and health of our families, friends and ourselves, the pandemic, for most photographers has brought revenue to a screeching halt! The goal of the f64 Lunch Bunch is to help photographers make the most of this downtime, so when things do start to get back to normal, you can hit the ground running! We're back on the Wednesday schedule with a special DIY episode with our own "Mad Scientist," Don Komarechka and our panel. One of Don's trademarks over the years has become his ability to challenge the "how-to" process of capturing so many different kinds of images. Don will be sharing some DIY ideas to help you create stronger images. Along with Don, our panel will add in other projects you can be doing during downtime to help build a stronger presence and skill set. Here's the link for 2:00 PM EST on Wednesday, April 22: See you on Wednesday! Who says there's no such thing as a free lunch! April 15 Video & Links: Challenges as a Wedding PhotographerWe had some technical difficulties, and only half the program was recorded, but there's still some great content and helpful information as Richard Shoaf shares suggestions on protective gear during the pandemic. Other links shared are below. Link to and their post about the Economic Injury and Disaster Loan Program: Special offers from Sue Bryce Eduction: Special offers from KelbyOne: by Skip Cohen Every imaging artist is feeling the same pain right now - business disappeared with the flip of a switch, and now you're struggling with what to do. Sound familiar? This is an industry where we all watch each other's backs. It's never been more evident than right now! Just like that lifebuoy being thrown above - you've got access to so many different places for help. There's no need for me to write a lot of text today - but I am going to give you the links to six great resources available with a click of your mouse - RIGHT NOW. There's a long list of great programming, and it covers everything from expanding your skillset to changing your marketing strategy! This is only the beginning - I'll be sharing more places you can find help as I hear/read about them! I know it's hard to see downtime as an asset when it feels like a monstrous liability. Take advantage of this time to build a stronger brand, skillset and relationships! And if you've got questions or need help you sure know where to find me! by Skip Cohen "Group f/64 was a group founded by seven 20th-century San Francisco Bay Area photographers who shared a common photographic style characterized by sharply focused and carefully framed images..." Wikipedia Yesterday was the sixth get-together for the f64 Lunch Bunch. We decided to mix up the format a little, and this time three of the industry's leading women joined the discussion. It was no surprise there was a lot of good insight and ideas shared. They were all focused on keeping in touch with your clients and continuing to build a more substantial business, even with the current challenges created by the pandemic. And, as with each program to date, the attendees always come through with great questions and comments. They created more ideas and food for thought as we all work to find an acceptable level of normalcy in dealing with social distancing. Sheltering in place is about your safety and health. It does NOT mean you need to stop building your brand, relationships with clients, or developing a more reliable and diverse skill set. The situation we're all in isn't going to last forever. And, as the conversation brought out at "lunch," there's so much you can be doing to make yourself and your business stronger! Some of the additional links shared yesterday, along with the links to our guests on Facebook are all listed below. Click on any banner for more information. Note: We're going to skip lunch next week so everybody can get time in with QuaranCon, but check back the following week when we feature three of wedding and event photography's leading couples!
by Skip Cohen "Group f/64 was a group founded by seven 20th-century San Francisco Bay Area photographers who shared a common photographic style characterized by sharply focused and carefully framed images..." Wikipedia We're trying to do the same thing, and at least help you bring the challenges of doing business today as a photographer into sharper focus and develop a framework to stay in business. We want to help you adjust to the new business environment and, at the same time, be ready to hit the ground running when the pandemic is over. After five "lunches" in a row last week, we're rolling the program over to Wednesdays. Join us tomorrow, when three of the industry's most recognized women join us for a discussion on how they're making the most out the downtime. Joining us at 2:00 PM EST will be Dixie Dixon, Melissa Ghionis and Lori Nordstrom with hosts Steve Brazill, Skip Cohen and Chamira Young. The challenges of the pandemic has changed all of our lives. Sadly, too many artists have taken the expression "hunker down" too literally. Frustrated, and not knowing what to do, they've walked away from their business.
We're going to be sharing great ideas on things you can be doing right now to maintain contact with your clients, expand your skill set, and build new relationships. Knowing the personalities of our guests I can guarantee plenty of great ideas to help you get back on track. If you missed the previous programs last week, you'll find them all, just a click away on YouTube. by Skip Cohen "Group f/64 was a group founded by seven 20th-century San Francisco Bay Area photographers who shared a common photographic style characterized by sharply focused and carefully framed images..." Wikipedia Yesterday was day five for the f64 Lunch Bunch, and once again, there was a lot of good solid content shared. Plus, questions from the attendees created more ideas and food for thought as we all work to find some acceptable level of normalcy in dealing with social distancing. Sadly, as I've written a few times, there are still too many photographers who have taken shelter in place to mean EVERYTHING. It's intended to help you protect yourself, your family and slow down the spread of the virus, NOT apply to every aspect of your business. You can maintain social distancing in cyberspace and still keep in touch with your clients and the needs of your community. Joe McNally joined us yesterday for day 5 of the Lunch Bunch. The YouTube video is below. He shared a lot of great insight into the impact the pandemic has had on our lives and thoughts on taking advantage of the downtime. There was a lot of additional content shared at yesterday's "lunch." Rather than just giving you the links, I decided to give you a screenshot of where the link is taking you. Each banner below is a live link, making it even easier for you to get to each resource. Just click any banner to visit the website we were sharing.
Last but not least are all you fans who became attendees this week. As I've said every day - we'll get through this, but in the meantime, keep sharing your ideas, stay healthy, and "Be careful out there!"
Join us for lunch on Wednesday, April 1, at 2:00 pm for the next f64 Lunch Bunch. The link to join is below, and I can promise you some fun surprises. Remember "fun?" It's a word that's been a little lost for all of us lately, but together we can get it back! by Skip Cohen "Group f/64 was a group founded by seven 20th-century San Francisco Bay Area photographers who shared a common photographic style characterized by sharply focused and carefully framed images..." Wikipedia And just like the original f/64 group, we started the Lunch Bunch to help you with ideas to sharpen the focus on your business and establish a more robust framework for the future. We've got only one goal - to plant a few seeds to help you grow during this challenging downtime. There are too many of you who have taken shelter in place to mean EVERYTHING. It's intended to help you protect yourself and your family, NOT apply to every aspect of your business. This is our fourth program in the series, and each one has been jam-packed with great content and more ideas to raise the bar on your skillset, be involved in the community, expand your reach with your blog and relationship building...and the list goes on and on. Anne Geddes joined us yesterday for day 4 of the Lunch Bunch. The YouTube video is below. She shared a lot of inspirational insight to help you find those nuggets of joy so important to keep your heart in the game! Join us today at 2:00 PM EST when Joe McNally joins the Lunch Bunch. Don't miss the opportunity to pick up new ideas to help make the most of this time when your business has changed so dramatically. Click on the button below at 1:55 pm EST - we always get the room opened early. Who said there's no such thing as a free lunch? There were some great links to help you through the downtime, shared in yesterday's program. You'll hear them discussed in the video.
From the Q & A: From Skip: From Don: From Steve: Michael’s Bourbon Blog: From Will: by Skip Cohen "Group f/64 was a group founded by seven 20th-century San Francisco Bay Area photographers who shared a common photographic style characterized by sharply focused and carefully framed images..." Wikipedia Like the characteristics of the great f/64 photographers in the early 1900s, we started the f64 Lunch Bunch to help with ideas to sharpen the focus on your business and establish a stronger framework for the future. We've got only one goal - to plant a few seeds to help you grow during this challenging downtime. We're all in this together. We have no choice but to shelter in place, but that doesn't mean shelter in place from your business, raising the bar on your skillset, building marketing plans for the near future, or helping your community. Jen Rozenbaum joined us yesterday for day 3 of the Lunch Bunch. The YouTube video is below. You'll immediately understand what makes Jen's style of teaching and especially her outlook on life so incredible. She shared a lot of great insight to help you fine-tune your skillset during downtime, stay involved in your community, and be prepared to hit the ground running when this is over. During the conversation, she mentioned a video she did on the similarities between her battle with breast cancer for two years and dealing with the coronavirus. I promised I'd grab it from her YouTube channel. I've share it here below. And, Steve Brazill shared information about and a special promotion they're doing. Members of MasterClass have been given "a free MasterClass All-Access Pass to give to someone whose life you’d like to make just a little better right now." If you know a MasterClass member, now's the time to give them a shout. This is a perfect time to take advantage of their online programs covering so many different topics. Here's the link to find out more. Join us today at 2:00 PM EST when Anne Geddes joins the Lunch Bunch. And tomorrow, we'll wrap up the week with Joe McNally. Don't miss the opportunity to pick up new ideas to help make the most of this time when your business has changed so dramatically. Click on the button below at 1:55 pm EST - we always get the room opened early. Who said there's no such thing as a free lunch? by Skip Cohen Day two for the f64 Lunch Bunch, and more great content shared. The video for today's webinar has been uploaded and is filled with some great content. And the audio track is below along with all the links discussed during the conversation. A special THANKS to today's panelists: Larry Becker, Scott Bourne, Steve Brazill, Don Komarechka, Chamira Young and special guest, Scott Kelby. They never slow down in their support for the industry! by Skip Cohen
Day two for the Lunch Bunch, and more great content shared. The video for today's webinar has been uploaded and is filled with some great content. Here's the link to the episode. If you joined us today and were part of the conversation, the links discussed are below. If not, watch the video and these same links are on the video page on YouTube. Scott Bourne kicked off today's show with five great links from companies sharing special offers during the coronavirus pandemic we're all dealing with. Adobe is offering 2 months free of Creative: Avid is offering a 90 day free license for Media Composer Ultimate, Pro Tools, Pro Tools Ultimate, or Sibelius Ultimate: Comcast offering 60 days free internet service, and public hot spots: Zoom online video conferencing has made substantial adjustments to their free account to accommodate for students through July 1 st : is offering a free 90-day enterprise account, as well as an additional 2TB of free space for 90 days: Chamira Young shared the links for more information about Adobe Stock and setting up an additional revenue stream. - Sign up: - User guide and info on what buyers are looking for: Larry Becker's link to his FREE ebook download ("absolutely no strings attached") to help photographers getting started in video: Steve Brazill's links to three great episodes from "Behind the Shot" about copyright: This is a great time to expand your skillset and be ready when business comes back...and IT WILL COME BACK! Join us tomorrow at 2:00 pm EST when Jen Rozenbaum joins us and the continued discussion about how to make the most out of this downtime. by Skip Cohen For many years, in everything I've written about getting the most out of a convention I've talked about never having a meal alone. Sharing a meal with other photographers is a great way to find solutions to the challenges of running a successful business and build your network. Welcome to the f64 Lunch Bunch! Starting Monday, March 23 at 2:00 pm EST and each day of next week a unique group of photographers will be sharing ideas to help you through the challenges created by the Coronavirus. Joining me will be Larry Becker, Scott Bourne, Steve Brazill, Don Komarechka, Robert Vanelli, and Chamira Young. And you never know who else might show up for lunch! We'll be sharing ideas related to marketing, business, finding new avenues for revenue, partnerships, expanding your skillset and wherever else the conversations will take us. We've got only one goal - to help find new ideas during this difficult and unplanned down-time. The diversity of the group covers just about every specialty in photography. And, just like the original Group f/64, recognized for the sharpness in the images they captured - we're hoping to help you fine-tune your focus as well! "Group f/64 or f.64 was a group founded by seven 20th-century San Francisco Bay Area photographers who shared a common photographic style characterized by sharply focused and carefully framed images seen through a particularly Western (U.S.) viewpoint..." Wikipedia So, grab a sandwich and join us for a social-distanced "lunch." Our intent is to be actively sharing ideas for 30 minutes each day. If at some point we need more time we'll either just keep going, or continue the discussion during the next lunch meeting. We also want to stay on point, and will do our best to share nothing but the most useful information. This is meant to be an interactive webinar, so we'll have the ability for up to 100 attendees to ask specific questions, which the panel will do its best to answer. Here's the link: And one more thing to think about - this is an incredibly challenging and stressful time in all our lives. While I have a reputation as the industry cheerleader, I can't sugarcoat anything about what we're all experiencing. However, my wife has had the quote below in a frame on the wall of our home for years. Even though I've used it several times in the last week in previous posts, I can't think of a better foundation when thinking about the future. Faith...
is being sure of what you hope for and certain of what you do not see. |
Our Partners"Why?"Check out "Why?" one of the most popular features on the SCU Blog. It's a very simple concept - one image, one artist and one short sound bite. Each artist shares what makes the image one of their most favorite. We're over 100 artists featured since the project started. Click on the link above and you can scroll through all of the episodes to date.