"Some beautiful paths can't be discovered without getting lost." Erol Ozan I'm back to the routine of a typical Sunday morning. There's something so unique about the house being completely quiet with the only sound being me typing away on the keyboard. I never know where my thoughts are going to go, but I always start thinking about the events of the past week, and I've got a special one I'd like to share. Many years ago I had a friend who just disappeared and dropped off the grid - No response to emails, phone calls, just *poof* and he was gone. This past week he came out of the woodwork, with a couple of IMs on Facebook, then a text or two - each time requesting a time to talk. I was reluctant to talk to him and pretty much had shut the door. So often we close a door, mostly for our own protection. I know in my case I just didn't feel like being hurt and frustrated again. But the truth is, I'd always wondered why he chose to disappear. I wasn't obsessed with him vanishing but it was a topic Sheila, and I would talk about every so often. We'd speculate if he was in jail, dead or maybe in the witness protection program. I think we're watching too much television! When life shuts a door...open it again. It's a door, that's how they work! Author Unknown Well, I opened the door with a phone call, and we had a long conversation. We'd always shared a love for the business and marketing side of this industry, and after 15-20 minutes of awkward explanations and an apology, we were almost back to our old selves. Only time will tell where this renewed friendship goes, but it did get me thinking about the friendships we all have. Like many of you, I think of myself as having a lot of friends. However, while there are lots of people we're friendly with, we only have a handful of genuinely great friendships, and here's my point: Learn to know the difference between people who are your friends and those who you love having in your life. There's a difference between somebody you enjoy being with and talking to versus a person you'd donate a kidney to! Obviously, you know the difference, but so often we fail to recognize the investment that needs to be made for a friend to grow into a GREAT friendship. Wishing everybody a Sunday filled with friends and GREAT friendships. Take the time to invest in some of those special friends. You just might be surprised on the journey they'll take you on. Go for those eleven-second therapeutic hugs and make it a day filled with peace and plenty of smiles. "Life is so much better when we focus on what truly matters!" Unknown Author Happy Sunday everybody!
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