"Nobody grows old by merely living a number of years. We grow old by deserting our ideals. Years may wrinkle the skin, but to give up enthusiasm wrinkles the soul!" Anon Every morning around 7:30, I try and find a quote relevant to something going on in our lives. The quote above went into my tweet stream a few minutes ago, and it got me thinking...
The last two weeks I've been the busiest I've ever been, with a list of exciting new projects. Every day has been non-stop, and that's both in and out of photography. Well, Sheila and I were talking about how much older our parents were when they were our age. Think about it for a second - it's not just how much times have changed; better health and people living longer, but it's the way we live our lives. We have more choices in EVERYTHING we do from food to music to what we do each day. We're able to keep in touch with friends with a click of a button, a text, an email, or live chat. We're global, most of us with friends all over the world. I've been asked a few times over the last year for my definition of success. My answer is always the same - waking up every day with a smile on my face! As to be expected, I'm often criticized for being overly optimistic. Waking up happy doesn't mean I don't have stress and sadness in my life. It doesn't mean I don't have disappointments. It merely means that I've accepted the hurdles in life, and I either go around them or through them! That brings me right to the point this morning - your attitude! Zig Ziglar said it best, "It's your attitude more than your aptitude that will determine your altitude!" I'm at an age where most people want to retire. Well, why would I retire when I'm having some of the very best days of my career? I'm busier than I've ever been and learning more every day...and as quickly as I think I understand how to do something, especially in social media, something changes, and I've got something new to chase. Put the excitement of my business together with my relationship with Sheila and my friends and it's no wonder I'm smiling. So, if you're feeling old lately - take the time to explore a new path. Growth only occurs outside your comfort zone, and there's so much going on in imaging today. You've got the biggest collection of creative tools in the history of photography...and business! A couple of years ago we met a couple our age. We were blown away at how old they acted. They'd given up on their enthusiasm for life. They'd stopped surrounding themselves with people who love life. And there's the last secret - surround yourself with positive people and get rid of the negators! Happy Wednesday!
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