I'm considering this a first for my blog. It's my version of a public service announcement, but I need to start with a question I'm curious about.
How many of you were in Nashville at the convention and returned home with some version of the flu? Sheila and I don't live our lives giving into the paranoia that seems to drive so many people. We got our flu shots. We've watched the news and the map showing the flu's rise to epidemic proportions. We went to Nashville with hand-sanitizer and tried to minimize the hugs etc. We even joined good buddy Bob Coates in his immediately trend-setting "elbow bump" greeting rather than shaking hands. But a day or two after Nashville, Sheila got the bug and spent the next few days in bed, and then I followed. I'm just getting back into things today. Well, that's where I've been this week! Here are three articles I wanted to share with everybody before you do any more traveling this year. Although each one overlaps a little in their advice, the video in the first link hits on some challenges with travel. On the news the other night they talked about there being more bacteria on an airline tray table than a toilet seat! Here I am, almost back to normal, and doing my best to help some of you avoid the flu this year. This last round of being sick was a doozy! So, I'm wishing you a travel/convention season that's flu-less! Stay healthy and don't worry about anybody being offended if you don't shake hands!
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