I'm back to a typical Sunday morning, but having a hard time thinking through how to explain what I want to share. I don't want this to be another blog post about living through a hurricane. Unlike so many people who lost everything starting with Harvey and continuing through Irma, we were lucky, but there is a common denominator, the fear that comes with having little or no control over your destiny. Being in a danger zone, like the path of a hurricane, changes your focus. No pun intended, but it is an accurate analogy. It's the life equivalent of taking your camera off auto-focus and shooting manually. Suddenly you have to decide where to focus. You not only change your priorities but realize how wrong your focus might have been. But, there were a few highlights that got us through the crisis:
"Change your priorities and you change your life." Unknown I found the quote above when I was trying to find a way to make my point this morning. There's nothing earthshaking in what I learned over the last week, but I am surprised how much I found out about our material life. All the "stuff" in our life just doesn't matter.
As we sat in the darkness last Sunday night, listening to Irma's roar the only thing that mattered was our health and supporting each other. I found myself far more spiritual than I would have thought, repeatedly having short conversations with God, not only asking for help getting through it all but repeated thanks when it was over. So, here's the Sunday morning scenario - Sheila's got her gospel station playing. It's a weekly ritual that goes back to the music she listened to as a kid on Sundays. Molly is asleep at my feet having already been out, brushed and fed. I'm finishing this post and couldn't be more content with whatever today brings. No plans at all - just a quiet, peaceful non-event Sunday. Dancing with Irma this past week has readjusted my priorities - nothing matters without Sheila, great friends, and our health. Sadly it's taken me 700 words to say that - but then it wouldn't be a blog post! LOL Wishing everybody a Sunday filled with your top priorities, eleven-second hugs, peace and simply being content. Take the time to write down the six most important things in your life. If you could only take these things in the lifeboat - what would they be? Happy Sunday everybody!
1 Comment
Tina Rusiski
9/18/2017 05:26:15 am
Truly beautiful and meaningful thoughts and words, Skip! I spent those fretful hours switching between Weather Channel and CNN coverage as I worried and imagined the traffic nightmare faced by my son evacuating from the one story tiny rental he just relocated to in Punta Gorda from San Francisco in August. This praying mother could not sleep, and hour after hour that failed to provide the balm of a text update from him were indeed some of the roughest hours ever endured. All impacted by these dreadful disasters in Texas and Florida and our island neighbors are in my prayers for the massive courage and strength and spiritual convictions to try to pick up the pieces of lives and homes and jobs forever shattered. So glad that you and Sheila and Molly are okay, and are blessed with such wisdom and insight; a valuable and eternal gift from Irma!
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