"An ant on the move does more than a dozing ox." Lao-Tzu Recently I had a phone conversation with a relatively new photographer from the Midwest, who needed some help with a challenge in his family's business. He started out the conversation with,
"Look, I know you don't me and I'm just a little guy in the industry, but I need help with..." So, this is just a short post this morning reminding all you "little guys" out there that without you there'd be no photographic industry! Even more important is the contribution you "little guys" make to new ideas and solutions for the industry every day. You're the ones who, like little kids, keep asking, "Why?" And, when you don't get a decent answer you look for a better one. There's a great business anecdote about the bumble bee. Aerodynamically, the bumble bee is designed all wrong and his body is way to big for his wings. He shouldn't be able to fly, but nobody ever told him that! You guys have that same passion to fly. You're working to perfect your skills, starting a new business and dealing with plenty of cynics who think you've made the wrong choice, but that doesn't slow you down. So, to all you "little guys" out there - thank you for your never-ending enthusiasm and the challenges you keep bringing to an industry I love dearly. Don't stop asking questions. Don't stop going to conventions and workshops. Don't stop working to perfect your skill set. Most important of all, challenge everything you do, because so many of you "little guys" will soon be the movers and shakers of the next generation of artists to drive this industry!
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Our Partners"Why?"Check out "Why?" one of the most popular features on the SCU Blog. It's a very simple concept - one image, one artist and one short sound bite. Each artist shares what makes the image one of their most favorite. We're over 100 artists featured since the project started. Click on the link above and you can scroll through all of the episodes to date.