I can't think of a better way to start the new year than share one of my favorite images. Sometimes the power in a great image comes from the memories it brings back. There's a story behind this one and it also makes a point for you newbies out there who don't understand what a small industry we really are. In the late 80's and early 90's Hasselblad Sweden produced an ad campaign featuring some of the finest photographers in the world. Each tag line started with "________________ shot __________________ with a Hasselblad." For example I remember one of Paulina Poroskova photographed by Victor Skrebneski with just that caption. Sitting in the office one day, somebody had an idea, probably Mark Rezzonico, to do a spoof and create the ad below. So, here's the fun of the shot...
Mark Rezzonico was pretty close to the start of his career in professional photography. Today, he's the president of Profoto USA. Ernst Wildi wrote every Hasselblad manual, is an amazing photographer, writer and teacher. He's probably still lecturing now and then somewhere on the planet. He's in his 80's and there's still nobody who knows Hasselblad like the "Professor". Al Zimmerman was Vice-President of Hasselblad at the time, took over as President when I left for other endeavors. He left the industry a few years ago, but he's holding the gun used in the James Bond movie, License to Kill. We got a request from the studio for some spare parts and this is what they put together for the film. So, where's the lesson part of this post? We're a very small industry. So many of us have worked together in the past. We've attended the same rubber chicken dinners, retirement parties and often worked together at other companies and on various projects. For you newbies out there, remember how small the industry really is. Be careful when you're taking a shot at somebody, because you never know the relationship whoever you're talking to might have with that person or the company they work for. You don't have to walk around paranoid, just don't participate in the rumor mill or as my friend Levi Sim likes to say, "Act as if your grandmother is watching!" New Years is a time when we all tend to reminisce a little. For me this adventure started when I found the original poster cleaning the garage this past weekend. It brought an amazing flood of wonderful memories. I apologize for the quality of my copy work - I did the best I could with what I had to work with. And on that note, on this first full business day of 2014, I want to wish all of you a healthy,happy and propserous new year! Thanks to technology and social media, 2014 is going to be amazing. Meet me here 365 days from now and we'll compare notes!
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