by Skip Cohen
I'm unsure why this is on my mind today, but so many of you haven't done a fire drill since grade school! And very few of you have ever bothered to think through all the negative "what-ifs." Murphy's Law is: If anything can go wrong, it will. Then there's Murphy's Second Law: Murphy was an optimist! Here's my point - if you were ever in a car accident or even a minor fender-bender, you were incredibly cautious for weeks or months afterward. But over time, you got back to your old habits. The same thing happened through the pandemic, and now, as things go back to normal, we've stopped paying attention to some of the details of doing business that came out of being hunkered down. So, here are a few questions to answer as you do your own fire drill:
While they all sound so similar, the common denominator is that something happened that you just didn't plan. Take the time and do a few fire drills - You never know when Murphy is going to come knocking on your door. Hopefully, never, but you're working too hard to build your business and not be prepared with backup plans.
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