Stacy Pearsall

"In the world we live in today, where everyone owns a camera, it may be easy to succumb to the idea that there’s no value in our occupation. Don’t fall prey to this way of thinking.
Photographers are every bit as valuable as they’ve ever been; we as a community simply have to believe that and demand it, too. Simply because everyone has access to a camera doesn’t mean they know how to use it. I could rent a crane, but that doesn’t mean I can operate it. It’s our job not only to be consummate professionals, but also educators. We have to be able to articulate to clients why we’re a good investment, and we have to believe in what we’re selling—our creative talents, technical skills and professionalism."
I first heard about Stacy from my buddy Scott Bourne who heard her speak at the Maui Photo Festival. The next year, based on his suggestion, she was a keynote at Skip's Summer School in Las Vegas.
Yes, she's received some of the highest honors as a combat photojournalis, but what's even more impressive is the way Stacy walks the talk. She never stops giving back. She'll never be too busy to help another photographer or for that matter another human being in need. I couldn't be more proud to have Stacy involved with SCU.
She needs to be on your radar! She's got two books out and here's the link to her site. Make sure you check out what's going on in her own special project, the Charleston Center for Photography! Skip Cohen