Kirk Voclain

What advice would I give to a photographer who is just starting out?
Remember that this business is what most people call a hobby, DO NOT run it like a hobby! Do not let it run you like a hobby!!!! It MUST be a business!! That means you need to pay yourself! Be professional! Market yourself!!!!!! Remember, it's not just taking pretty pictures, it's BUSINESS!!!! So, to barrow a line from the Godfather, "….it's nothing personal, it's just business!"
Finally… advice, is do your best to stay OUT OF DEBT! And treat your customers the way you like to be treated! You do that and you can't help but be successful!!!
Five years ago at WPPI we did a program called the Champagne Shoot-out. I got a call from security that night an hour after the program was supposed to be over. Some guy named Kirk was still teaching and security wanted to lock up the room. A lot of photographers talk a good game, but not everybody loves to teach like Kirk. Check out his work with a visit to his website. As one of the leading senior photographers in this country, you won't be disappointed. Skip Cohen
Remember that this business is what most people call a hobby, DO NOT run it like a hobby! Do not let it run you like a hobby!!!! It MUST be a business!! That means you need to pay yourself! Be professional! Market yourself!!!!!! Remember, it's not just taking pretty pictures, it's BUSINESS!!!! So, to barrow a line from the Godfather, "….it's nothing personal, it's just business!"
Finally… advice, is do your best to stay OUT OF DEBT! And treat your customers the way you like to be treated! You do that and you can't help but be successful!!!
Five years ago at WPPI we did a program called the Champagne Shoot-out. I got a call from security that night an hour after the program was supposed to be over. Some guy named Kirk was still teaching and security wanted to lock up the room. A lot of photographers talk a good game, but not everybody loves to teach like Kirk. Check out his work with a visit to his website. As one of the leading senior photographers in this country, you won't be disappointed. Skip Cohen
Images copyright Kirk Voclain. All Rights Reserved