Dixie Dixon
"To photographers starting out: "Shoot what you LOVE! Find what you're passionate about and shoot that as often as possible. There is nothing wrong with working on the paid gigs, but only show the type of work on your website and portfolio that ultimately you'd love to shoot. You'll be surprised when people start hiring you to shoot exactly that!"
She might be the youngest member of the SCU faculty, but don't let that get in the way of her accomplishments in just the last five years. Kicking off her career as the Hy Sheanin Scholarship winner at WPPI was literally the beginning of her professional career and as the expression goes, the rest is history. She's been featured in story after story in virtually every major photographic magazine. Her client list is already a "Who's Who" in fashion and lifestyle.
But as impressive as Dixie's work is, bringing a "fresh look to fashion photography", her most amazing quality is humility and just how easy she is to work with. Oh yeah, and let's not forget her passion for how much she simply loves shooting!
She needs to be on your radar. Check out her website and her videos posted in the SCU Video Center. Watch at least one video and you'll see an outstanding example of how she's building her brand!
Images copyright Dixie Dixon. All Rights Reserved.