Bryan Caporicci

What advice would I give new photographers just starting out today?
Success as a photographer is both realistic and challenging all at the same time. My advice to those starting out in the industry today would be simple - be intentional. In everything you do from this point forwards, decide to be purposeful and intentional, and you will succeed and create long-term sustainability in this industry. From choosing where you invest in equipment as a new photographer to educational opportunities and what genres you decide to specialize in, if you do it all with the purist of intentions and for the right reasons, you will be sure to find the right path for you.
Don’t do things just because you feel they're the right thing to do, don’t follow everything the industry tells you to do just because it sounds right and don’t copy what other photographers do. Do things for you and do it because it makes sense and works for you. Think things through, take time to plan, be logical and always trust your gut. Most importantly, be sure to stop once and a while to measure your results, re-evaluate and re-focus if necessary. Success will surely follow as a result, but don’t forget to enjoy the journey!
Success as a photographer is both realistic and challenging all at the same time. My advice to those starting out in the industry today would be simple - be intentional. In everything you do from this point forwards, decide to be purposeful and intentional, and you will succeed and create long-term sustainability in this industry. From choosing where you invest in equipment as a new photographer to educational opportunities and what genres you decide to specialize in, if you do it all with the purist of intentions and for the right reasons, you will be sure to find the right path for you.
Don’t do things just because you feel they're the right thing to do, don’t follow everything the industry tells you to do just because it sounds right and don’t copy what other photographers do. Do things for you and do it because it makes sense and works for you. Think things through, take time to plan, be logical and always trust your gut. Most importantly, be sure to stop once and a while to measure your results, re-evaluate and re-focus if necessary. Success will surely follow as a result, but don’t forget to enjoy the journey!
Bryan is probably the youngest professional photographer on the SCU Faculty, but don't let that fool you. He's made it a point to NEVER compromise on the results of anything he does, including images, technique, workflow, business and his friendships. From his blog, Sprouting Photographer to his website he's definitely somebody who should be on your radar! You'll also find one of the best guest posts we've had on the SCU site about pricing, just recently published!
All images copyright Bryan Caporicci. All rights reserved.