Art Wolfe: The Equipment I Travel With
So many photographers tend to head out on assignment with just about everything they own. In fact, the less experience you have in on location work, the more you tend to bring. In this short three minute video, one of the world's finest landscape and wildlife photographers takes you through what's in his bag.
Over the years I've been fortunate to work with Art on a couple of different projects. He's a terrific instructor and regularly does workshops all over the world. I know his specialty is different from those of you who are wedding and portrait photographers, but as you watch this video think through what you take on an assignment and why. Each piece of gear is with him for a reason.
Want to stay in touch with Art and his workshops. You'll find everything you need on his website.
Over the years I've been fortunate to work with Art on a couple of different projects. He's a terrific instructor and regularly does workshops all over the world. I know his specialty is different from those of you who are wedding and portrait photographers, but as you watch this video think through what you take on an assignment and why. Each piece of gear is with him for a reason.
Want to stay in touch with Art and his workshops. You'll find everything you need on his website.