Adam Sherwin

What advice do I have for photographers just starting out? No matter what stage you are at in your career, whether you've been shooting for 10 days or 10 years, it's really important to stay immersed in your craft in order to keep the passion and love of what you're doing regenerating on a daily basis.
Photography is a tough industry and a very competitive one, but come on… we're not training to be brain surgeons. You don't have to be number one in the world to have a successful career. Education, hard work and tenacity can get you pretty far these days. Stay focused on being the best YOU can be and constantly make the effort to enrich your photographic knowledge and expand your experiences.
If you really love what you do and accept the fact that your education is never complete, that there will always be something else to learn, then you have already partially succeeded. The rest will come as you grow professionally and gain on the job experience. Ask any professional photographer about the first job they ever shot and I can guarantee you the story is far from perfect. It shouldn't be. Embrace the mistakes you make as well as the successes. This is how we motivate ourselves to expand our knowledge and become better photographers.
Ever worked with somebody for a relatively short time, but there's such a great friendship and amount of respect you feel like you've known them most of your life? Well meet my buddy Adam Sherwin, Technical Director for Resource Magazine. We've worked together on a lot of projects for the last two and a half years and the only thing more impressive than his skill set is his passion for the industry.
He's a journalist, a videographer, a photographer and a complete geek - In fact, he writes "Ask a Geek" for the magazine. Most important of all, he's a great storyteller and you can see a prime example of his work right here in an outstanding interview he did in 2010 with the legendary Albert Watson. You can also see his work on the "Past Program Videos" under the Events tab from our 2011 Skip's Summer School program.
Adam definitely needs to be on your radar and the best place to keep track of him is right on Twitter. And, you should definitely make it a point to subscribe to Resource Magazine, one of the fastest growing and best publications in photography! Skip Cohen
Photography is a tough industry and a very competitive one, but come on… we're not training to be brain surgeons. You don't have to be number one in the world to have a successful career. Education, hard work and tenacity can get you pretty far these days. Stay focused on being the best YOU can be and constantly make the effort to enrich your photographic knowledge and expand your experiences.
If you really love what you do and accept the fact that your education is never complete, that there will always be something else to learn, then you have already partially succeeded. The rest will come as you grow professionally and gain on the job experience. Ask any professional photographer about the first job they ever shot and I can guarantee you the story is far from perfect. It shouldn't be. Embrace the mistakes you make as well as the successes. This is how we motivate ourselves to expand our knowledge and become better photographers.
Ever worked with somebody for a relatively short time, but there's such a great friendship and amount of respect you feel like you've known them most of your life? Well meet my buddy Adam Sherwin, Technical Director for Resource Magazine. We've worked together on a lot of projects for the last two and a half years and the only thing more impressive than his skill set is his passion for the industry.
He's a journalist, a videographer, a photographer and a complete geek - In fact, he writes "Ask a Geek" for the magazine. Most important of all, he's a great storyteller and you can see a prime example of his work right here in an outstanding interview he did in 2010 with the legendary Albert Watson. You can also see his work on the "Past Program Videos" under the Events tab from our 2011 Skip's Summer School program.
Adam definitely needs to be on your radar and the best place to keep track of him is right on Twitter. And, you should definitely make it a point to subscribe to Resource Magazine, one of the fastest growing and best publications in photography! Skip Cohen